Installation Instructions and Tips
1. Call Miss Utility to check for local underground power lines.
The most important step in installing Iron World product is to call Miss Utility to have your utility lines marked on your property. Have your property lines professionally marked if you are not absolutely sure about where your property boundaries are. Check local codes for required fence set backs and other related regulations.
2. Make a rough drawing of the layout of your fence.
This will aid you in placing your posts on your project site.
3. Layout and place the corner and end posts.
Determine the placement of corner posts and end posts. Dig holes for the corner posts and end posts for your project. Holes should be 4 times the diameter of the post and 2 ½ feet deep for residential panels and 3 ½ deep for gate posts and commercial panels. Place the posts in the holes. Line them up with a string line. The distance from the ground level to the top of the post should be at least equal to the nominal height of the fence panels. Place and plumb the corner and end posts in the holes after pouring concrete in the holes. Concrete should be poured two inches short of ground level. Allow 24 hours for the concrete to set before proceeding backfilling the holes with dirt and proceeding with the project.
4. Stretch a string between two corner posts of one wall.
Mark off the correct lengths along the lines of the fence. For 2” post systems, the post are 95” apart on center, 2 ½ “ post require 95 ½ “ spacing and 3” post systems require 96” spacing. Dig the holes, place the posts, and pour concrete per the instructions in step 3 above. To achieve a more aesthetically pleasing top fence line, posts can be raised or lowered slightly (no more than 4” up or down) in the holes to compensate for a minor rise or dip in the ground level. If your fence line goes up or down a hill, each panel is manufactured to adjust to an 8” rise or drop per panel. Allow the concrete to set for 24 hours before backfilling around posts and proceeding with the project.
5. Mount the brackets on the fence posts.
Commercial posts have factory punched holes in them for mounting the brackets. Residential panels are supplied with brackets that are fastened to the posts with self tapping screws that are supplied with the brackets. Slip the fence panels into the brackets as shown. The panel is then permanently secured in the bracket with a supplied mounting bolt and nut. Close out the job by installing the post caps with a rubber mallet.
Properly placing the holes and then placing the posts properly in the holes are the key to a successful fence installation. Once the posts are in position, attach the brackets to the posts. Once the brackets are in position, the fence panels are attached to the posts. Finish the job by capping the fence posts. All the hardware you need is supplied. You need some string, something to dig the posts with, a screw driver and a 5/16” nut driver.
Additional Tips
- Fence panels are manufactured to be installed between posts. Spacing between the posts is important. Posts are 95 1/8” (2 in post), center to center, for 2” fence post systems. For 2 ½ “ post systems, the posts should be 95 5/8” (2.5 in post), center to center, and for 3” post systems, the posts should be 96 1/8” (3 in post), center to center.
- Fence posts are manufactured as line posts, end posts, and corner posts by drilling the panel bracket mounting holes in respective configurations. Fence post should be 2 feet longer than the nominal fence height for residential grade fencing and 3 feet longer than the nominal fence height for commercial grade fencing. (In northern states 3’ is recommended.)
- If this is your first time installing fencing, it will be helpful for you to install two posts and one section of fencing at one corner of your project to familiarize yourself with post hole spacing, post placement and assembly of the fence panel to the posts.
- Normal walk gates are sized to fit openings between the gate posts of 48”.
- Standard manufactured panels will accommodate a rise or drop in the ground level of 8” per 8’ panel. If necessary, panels can be special ordered that will accommodate rises or drops of as much as 36” per 8’ fence panel.